Mashed Potatoes Recipe

Mashed potatoes are so easy and are such a staple, that I feel reluctant to even list this recipe. For example, I'd never list fried eggs. However, yesterday one of my adult sons commented on how good they were, and asked how I made them. So I decided, I should probably record my profound thoughts on mashed potatoes.

The first rule of mashed potatoes is that you need to use more salt that you think you need. Second, God created black pepper for the sole purpose of making mashed potatoes. Third, use red or yellow potatoes so that you don't have to peal them, to save time and to get extra minerals and nutrients. Fourth use cream, and lastly if you want to impress, add minced fresh garlic.


6-8 large red or yellow potatoes
1/2 cup cream
1 to 2 tablespoons salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
2 cloves minced garlic


In a large pot or pressure cooker bring water to a boil.

Scrub and wash potatoes. Leave on skin and cube into 3/4" cubes. Put potatoes into a pot of water; it doesn't need to be boiling at this point.

As they cook, potatoes will start to turn a bit translucent on the outsides, with their cores opaque. Test potatoes by taking a fork and pressing into a potato cube. The potato will easily break apart if fully cooked.

You can also cook in a pressure cooker to speed up cooking time. Wait til the water and potatoes are boiling, and then seal the lid and cook for 5 and only 5 minutes. Do not overcook them or they will turn to mushed potatoes. Put the pot under cold water to depressurize.

Drain and put in a whipping bowl. Add cream, salt, pepper, garlic. If you don't have cream, you can substitute 1/2 cup milk and 1/4 cup butter. Beat at highest speed with a hand mixer, until smooth. If you're feeling unhealthy, place thin slabs of butter on top so that it melts before serving.

In the unlikely event that you have leftovers, press them in a casserole dish and cover with grated chedar cheese. Cook in the oven for 30 minutes at 450 F. Yum!

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